Providing Information About Domestic Violence Charges
Domestic violence charges are a serious matter that can threaten not only your rights and freedom but also your reputation. When facing these charges, you may have many questions about your situation and little information to answer them.
At the Law Office of Adrienne Dell, attorney Adrienne Dell can help answer those questions for you. To help you get the information you need, here are some answers to common early questions about domestic violence charges:
What qualifies as domestic violence?
Many different acts qualify as domestic violence, with some not even requiring physical contact against two parties with a shared emotional or blood relationship. Examples of abuse include assault, sexual assault, stalking, threatening, harassing and destruction of property.
What are the consequences of these charges?
Depending on the severity of the situation leading up to your charges, you may be facing misdemeanor or felony charges. Misdemeanor charges can result in being sentenced to probation with up to one year in jail, a 52-week class, community service hours and thousands of dollars in fines. Felony charges can result in more serious consequences, including significant prison time and up to $10,000 in fines.
Can my spouse drop the charges?
Sometimes, a spouse may decide to drop the charges against their partner, but it may be too late to do so. Once law enforcement takes over the case, it is up to the prosecutor to decide whether they want to drop the charges. Your attorney can ensure that the wishes of your partner are heard and considered. With the information your attorney provides, the case may well be dismissed.
Can I get rid of charges on my record?
Any person who has successfully completed probation may have their record expunged or “cleared” as a matter of law. If an individual had issues while on probation, their record can still be cleared but that can involve more work on the part of their attorney. A record can also be cleared if probation was not granted at all. The only time a record cannot be cleared is when a prison term has been imposed. The law is changing on this issue regularly, so it is important to stay in touch with your lawyer.
How can I beat my charges?
By having an experienced attorney at your side, you can work to overcome your domestic violence charges. Attorney Dell will explore all possible options of defense with you, from beating your charges to reducing or dismissing the charges.
To schedule your initial consultation and to meet with a California defense attorney with more than 35 years of criminal defense experience, call the Law Office of Adrienne Dell in San Jose at 408-217-2575 or send an email.