Being convicted of domestic violence in any state comes with severe personal, legal and financial penalties. The defendant and their defense attorney have to create a valid legal strategy to use in a California court. Lack of evidence Many defendants undergo...
Attorney Adrienne Dell will fight passionately for you.
Month: March 2022
Should juveniles in California get tried as adults?
Not all juvenile crimes are created equal; some are more serious than others. That's why, sometimes, juvenile cases get transferred to adult courts. This happens when the juvenile is charged with a serious crime, or if they’ve had multiple arrests in the past. The...
When are juvenile records automatically sealed in California
When a juvenile is arrested and charged with a crime in California, their records may or may not be automatically sealed once they turn 18. Here are the factors that the court considers. Eligibility for expungement Upon satisfactory completion of your punishment and...
Restraining orders in California
Victims of domestic abuse may fear for their safety, leading them to seek a restraining order. Sometimes, a troubled spouse or partner might tell untruths to the court as a way of punishing an innocent person. Regardless of the specific circumstances, the victim and...